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cara bayar hutang di kredivo

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《cara bayar hutang di kredivo》

CoE FEEST UNS Offers Doctoral Program Research Opportunities******

SOLO —Center of excellence for electrical energy storage technology (CoE-EEST) or Pusat Unggulan Ipteks Teknologi Penyimpanan Energi Listrik (abbreviated with PUI TPEL) Universitas Sebelas Maret in collaboration with the Industrial Engineering and Techno-Economics Research Group or Grup Riset Rekayasa Industri and Tekno Ekonomi (abbreviated with RITE) from the Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sebelas Maret.

A PhD should make an original contribution to knowledge. Originality can be achieved through the study design, the nature or outcomes of the knowledge synthesis, or the implications for research and/or practice. The workshop was held at Gedung Pusbangnis UNS, Jalan Slamet Riyadi No.435, Purwosari, Surakarta.

Promosi Cetak Rekor, Penumpang Kereta Cepat Whoosh Capai 21.000 Orang Sehari


The innovation of the Electric Motorcycle Swap Battery (EMSB) technology encourages the formation of a new ecosystem at the early of the supply chain, including technopreneurs and startups from manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors for commercialization.

Thus, this workshop is designed to help Ph.D Students to find a research roadmap for doctoral program studies on the focus of study “The study of Industrial Engineering and Techno-Economy in Energy Storage Technology and Electric Vehicles Application”. Link roadmap:

This activity was attended by 22 participants from 15 universities, including:
1. University Teknologi Malaysia
2. Universitas Gadjah Mada
3. Universitas Sebelas Maret
4. UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
5. UPN Veteran Jawa Timur
6. Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
7. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta
8. Institut Teknologi Telkom Surabaya
9. Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
10. Universitas Islam Sultan Agung
11. Universitas BINUS @Semarang
12. Institut Teknologi dan Sains Nahdlatul Ulama Pekalongan
13. Universitas Islam Batik, Surakarta
14. Universitas Sahid Surakarta
15. niversitas Selamat Sri, Kendal

Meanwhile, the resource persons involved consisted of 5 professors, namely:

1. Prof. Dr. Ir. Wahyudi Sutopo, S.T., M.Si., IPU (Universitas Sebelas Maret)
2. Prof. Ir. Muhammad Nizam, S.T, M.T, Ph.D. (Universitas Sebelas Maret)
3. Prof. Dr. Ing. Hendro Wicaksono, ST(Jacobs Univ, Germany),
4. Prof. Dr. Djoni Hartono, S.Si., M.E, (Universitas Indonesia)
5. Prof. (Riset) Dr. Ir. Anugerah Widiyanto, B.Sc., M.Eng (BRIN)

CoE-FEEST UNS is very adequate for the research study of ‘Energy Storage Technology and Electric Vehicles Application’ because it has facilities in the form of a mini-plant to support the battery industry ecosystem, i.e.
1. precursor active material processing,
2. cathode active material production,
3. battery cell production,
4. production of battery packs/electric vehicle battery swaps and energy storage systems (ESS), and
5. electric bicycle assembly/ conversion motorcycle.

In addition, CoE-FEEST UNS has also been supported by battery testing, monitoring system, safety and communication facilities that can serve the public, and has 3 technology-based start-ups for downstream simulation and commercialization, namely:

1. PT Batex Energi Mandiri (BATEX), Battery application (
2. PT Ekoelektrik Konversi Mandiri (Ekoelektrik), EV and EM conversion (; dan
3. PT Polimikro Berdikari Nusantara (Polimikro), Active materials production (

Through this workshop, CoE-FEEST UNS and RG RITE PSTI FT-UNS offered doctoral program research opportunities to lecturers and research collaborators at the national and international levels to take a role in the research focus “Industrial Engineering and Techno-Economic Studies on Energy Storage Technology and Electric Vehicle Applications”.

There are seven Ph.D research projects currently being carried out to provide “Contributions to new knowledge on early supply chain engineering integration into the technology commercialization process”, namely:

1. Developing a model of technological-based interoperability for EMSB;
2. Developing a product-consumer adoption model to find a thriving solution for EM;
3. Developing a model to predict the hybrid-market competition of EMSB
4. Developing a prediction of supply chain vulnerability to enhance the business competitiveness of EMSB
5. Developing a circular supply chain model for battery recycling
6. Developing a circular business model from a circular supply chain model of battery recycling
7. Developing an ontology framework for interoperability-business of circular supply chain

“The study of Industrial Engineering Sciences through an interdisciplinary approach will continue to be carried out to gain contributions to new knowledge on Early Supply Chain Engineering Integration into the Technology Commercialization Process and to improve the productivity and efficiency of the Commercialization of Innovation Technology,” said Wahyudi Sutopo as Head of Industrial Relations and Commercialization Div., CoE for Electrical Energy Storage Technology and as head of RG RITE PSTI FT-UNS.

Peserta Program BIPA UMS Belajar Memainkan Gamelan di Bayat Klaten******

SOLO–Peserta Program Bahasa Indonesia Penutur Asing (BIPA) Indo-Austay Adult Immersion dikenalkan dan diajak  belajar secara langsung alat musik tradisional Jawa gamelan pada hari pertama kegiatan Belajar Bahasa dan Budaya Indonesia di Paguyuban Sekar Melati, Paseban, Kecamatan Bayat, Kabupaten Klaten.

Program BIPA dikoordinasi oleh Lembaga Bahasa dan Ilmu Pengetahuan (LBIPU) Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS).

Promosi Digitalisasi BRI Tingkatkan Inklusi Keuangan, Mudahkan Puluhan Juta Warga

Direktur BIPA, Dwi Haryanti, menyampaikan alasan membawa peserta Program BIPA ke Kecamatan Bayat, Klaten, untuk kali keempat.

“Kami sudah empat kali membawa peserta BIPA ke kecamatan Bayat, Klaten, karena di sini masih lumayan komplet budaya Jawanya,” ungkap Dwi, dikutip Sabtu (13/1/2024).

Program Indo-Austay Adult Imersion adalah program yang diselenggarakan oleh Indonesian Australian Association of Victoria. Program ini bertujuan memberi kesempatan kepada peserta belajar bahasa dan budaya Indonesia yang bekerja sama dengan LBIPU UMS.

Sementara itu, Direktur Indo-Austay, Russel Ogden, mengungkapkan ketertarikannya untuk mengulik budaya Jawa karena menurutnya budaya Jawa merupakan salah satu budaya yang unik di antara seluruh budaya yang ada di dunia.

“Menurut saya menjaga budaya adalah hal yang paling penting, dan orang sini [Bayat] merupakan salah satu orang yang menjaga budaya mereka [Indonesia],” lanjutnya.

Kegiatan tersebut diikui tiga dari enam peserta Program BIPA. Saat pertama memasuki ruangan, ketiga peserta itu langsung disambut dengan iringan alat musik tradisional Jawa gamelan yang mengalunkan gending berjudul Gugur Gunung, ciptaan Ki Nartosabdo.

Setelah itu mereka dikenalkan berbagai macam nama alat musik tradisional Jawa yaitu gamelan oleh Ketua Paguyuban, Sarjito. Kemudian, ketiga peserta dari Australia itu diberi kesempatan mencoba alat musik tradisional gamelan secara langsung.

Setelah mencoba alat musik yang bernama gender, salah satu peserta Program BIPA, Heather Neldrum, mengungkapkan rasa senang mengikuti kegiatan itu. Dia yang juga merupakan guru kesenian di negaranya mengaku sangat menikmati alunan musik gamelan.

“Harus punya ini di Australia,” ungkapnya.

Setop Kekerasan Seksual di Kampus! Mahasiswa Kudu Berani Lapor******

SOLO —Kekerasan seksual di lingkungan kampus menjadi hal memprihatinkan yang mencoreng nama baik institusi pendidikan. Oleh sebab itu, hal ini harus menjadi perhatian dan diberantas bersama oleh semua pihak, terutama mahasiswa.

Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi (Kemendikbudristek) mendorong baik para warga di lingkungan kampus maupun masyarakat umum untuk berani melapor apabila mengetahui dan mengalami kasus kekerasan seksual.

Promosi Terus Bertumbuh, Pemberdayaan dan Pendampingan BRI Sentuh 19.533 Klaster Usaha

“Kami mengajak warga kampus dan masyarakat untuk segera melapor jika mengalami atau mengetahui kasus kekerasan seksual,” kata Pelaksana tugas Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset, dan Teknologi Kemendikbudristek Nizam dalam keterangan di Jakarta, Kamis (7/12/2023), sebagaimana dilansir Antara.

Nizam menekankan seluruh warga kampus harus terlibat dalam membangun kesadaran dan kepedulian untuk mencegah terjadinya kekerasan seksual di lingkungan kampus agar dapat segera diatasi.

Kesadaran itu harus dimiliki tidak hanya oleh rektor, wakil rektor, Satgas Pencegahan dan Penanganan Kekerasan Seksual (Satgas PPKS) melainkan juga mahasiswa dan seluruh yang ada di lingkungan kampus.

Sejalan dengan pandangan Nizam, Penasehat Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) Kemendikbudristek Franka Makarim mengatakan penanggulangan kekerasan seksual di lingkungan kampus bukan tanggung jawab semata dari satgas PPKS Kemendikbudristek.

Franka pun mengajak orang tua, pendidik, dan pendamping dari masyarakat untuk berpartisipasi aktif dalam mencegah dan menangani kekerasan seksual di kampus.

Menurut Franka, keluarga berperan penting dalam mengedepankan edukasi mengenai kekerasan seksual kepada seluruh anggota keluarga sebagai kunci membentuk kesadaran dan pemahaman yang membantu mencegah terjadinya kasus kekerasan.

“Sebagai orang tua, pendidik, dan pendamping dari masyarakat kita harus berpartisipasi aktif dalam mencegah dan menangani kekerasan seksual yang terjadi di lingkungan perguruan tinggi,” ujar Franka.

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KARANGANYAR–Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah (MIM) Digdaya Bolon, Colomadu, Karanganyar, menggelar Gerakan Literasi Sekolah guna meningkatkan kemampuan literasi siswa di sekolah serta menciptakan generasi literat, Jumat (15/12/2023).

Secara kontekstual, Gerakan Literasi Sekolah bertujuan meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam mengakses, melihat, menyimak, menulis dan atau berbicara. Harapannya, MIM Digdaya Bolon dapat menjadi organisasi pembelajaran yang warganya literat sepanjang hayat melalui pelibatan publik.

Promosi BRI Selaraskan Pertumbuhan Bisnis dengan Peningkatan Social Value

Wakil Kepala Bidang Kurikulum MIM Digdaya Bolon, Warsiti, dalam keterangan resmi, Selasa (19/12/2023), menjelaskan gerakan literasi merupakan gerakan sepanjang hayat, proses dan dampaknya cukup lama, namun harus mulai dibiasakan sejak dini.

“Menanamkan kebiasaan siswa dalam hal literasi tidak semudah membalik telapak tangan, harus dibiasakan terlebih dahulu untuk menanamkan kecintaan siswa terhadap buku. Kami juga selalu mengatakan bahwa buku adalah jendela ilmu agar siswa menyadari pentingnya melakukan kegiatan literasi,” ungkapnya.

Gerakan literasi sekolah tersebut terbagi menjadi dua sesi. Pertama, siswa diajak menyimak story tellingyang disampaikan Kak Juni dari Komunitas Istana Dongeng Nusantara.

Dia turut gembira melihat antusiasme siswa MIM Digdaya Bolon yang memiliki berbagai macam potensi dan gaya belajar yang berbeda-beda.

“Saya sangat mengapresiasi antusias siswa ketika menyimak story tellingdengan berbagai gaya belajar yang berbeda. Ada yang mendengarkan sambil tiduran, ada yang fokus melihat ke depan, ada yang sambil mencatat, dan itulah keragaman siswa,” bebernya.

Kedua, siswa diajak memilih buku favorit yang telah disediakan, untuk dibaca dan dirangkum dalam rangka meningkatkan keterampilan membaca dan merangkum cerita.

Sementara itu, Wakil Kepala Bidang Kesiswaan MIM Digdaya Bolon, Wahyu Nur Hidayati, menyampaikan tujuan diadakannya gerakan tersebut adalah memberikan ruang dan fasilitas yang mendukung pengembangan skillsiswa dalam hal literasi.

“Menjadi ikhtiar bersama untuk menanamkan literasi sejak dini pada MIM Digdaya Bolon, khususnya pada siswa. Oleh karena itu, kami selalu mencari momen untuk memberikan ruang dan fasilitas kepada siswa untuk menumbuhkembangkan skilldan kompetensi siswa dalam hal literasi,” ungkapnya.

Dia menegaskan MIM Digdaya Bolon berkomitmen penuh untuk meningkatkan kemampuan literasi siswa sejak dini serta mendukung pembentukan karakter Profil Pelajar Pancasila yang berkualitas melalui gerakan literasi sekolah yang akan dilakukan secara holistik.

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SOLO — Some lecturers from several foreign universities attended as Adjunct Professors and Doctor Fellows at the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sebelas Maret (FT UNS) Solo.

A number of teaching staff from several foreign universities attended as Adjunct Professors and Doctor Fellows at the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sebelas Maret (FT UNS) Solo.

Promosi BRI Write Fest Digelar! Berhadiah Ratusan Juta hingga Peluang Beasiswa S2

Their presence is to strengthen human resources (HR) in the Faculty of Engineering which is wrapped through the Strengthening Creative, Innovative, and Productive Human Resources program to support the achievement of superior UNS in 500 world-class universities.

Firstly, Prof. Dr. Lar. Ismail Bin Said who is an Adjunct Professor in the Architecture Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, UNS. He is from the Landscape Architecture Program Faculty of Build Environment and Surveying, University Technology Malaysia. Then, Prof. Dr. ing. Hendro Wicaksono with Adjunct Professor status in the Industrial Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, UNS. He comes from Jacob University Bremen, Germany.

“While Doctor Fellows in the Faculty of Engineering is Dr. Lee Yoke Lai. He is a Post Doctoral Fellow in the Architecture Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, UNS, and comes from the Landscape Architecture Program, Faculty of Build Environment and Surveying, University Technology Malaysia. Then there’s Dr. Ariva Sugandi Permana, M.Sc., Ph.D. He is a Post Doctoral Fellow in the Civil Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, UNS who comes from King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Landrabang (KMITL) Thailand,” explained the person in charge of the program, Prof. Dr. Wahyudi Sutopo, S.T., M.Si, when met by Solopos at his office recently.

Wahyudi Sutopo, who is also Deputy Dean of Human Resources, Finance and Logistics, FT UNS, explained that the benefits of the program include increasing international cooperation networks between FT UNS and other universities abroad; improving the competence of lecturers and students at FT UNS through the transfer of knowledge and information from outsiders; as well as supporting the achievement of Main Performance Indicators (IKU) of State Universities and Higher Education Service Institutions within the Ministry of Education and Culture in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 754/P/2020 (IKU 6: Higher Education cooperates with other tertiary institutions abroad).

“This activity is funded by the 2021/2022 UNS Creative Leap Fund and is covered by a Contract Agreement between the person concerned and the leadership of the Faculty of Engineering,” he explained.

While participating in industrial internships, Adjunct Professor/Post Doctoral Fellow participants are obliged, among other things, to teach at a designated Study Program at FT UNS with a minimum of 6 credits for a Post Doctoral Fellow and a minimum of 4 credits for an Adjunct Professor.

They must also conduct joint research with lecturers in the designated Study Program at least one publication in a reputable international journal. Then support the strengthening of management in the designated program through various supporting activities such as workshops or other activities for the preparation and implementation of international accreditation, development of the Capstone Design teaching and learning system, internships, final project/thesis, and development of international journals.

“Last but not least is facilitating or inviting lecturers from the FT UNS to be involved in activities at the higher education institutions from which the Adjunct Professor/Post Doctoral Fellow participants originate, such as studium general, team teaching, knowledge sharing, joint Supervision and so on,” added Wahyudi.

Kehidupan budidaya yang santai di kota

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SOLO—Sebanyak 22 siswa Raudhatul Athfal (RA) Perwanida Miri, Sragen diajak mengenal sistem transportasi umum di Terminal Tirtonadi Solo, Selasa (16/1/2023). 

Para siswa datang menggunakan moda transportasi umum Trans Jateng. Ketika datang mereka belajar langsung menyerbu Tanam Edukatif Lalu Lintas Portable yang berada di Terminal Tirtonadi.

Promosi BRI Ajak Nasabah Perbaharui Nomor Handphone di ATM/CRM, Dapatkan Tambahan Saldo

Tempat itu secara khusus dirancang untuk anak-anak. Terdapat pengetahuan tentang rambu-rambu lalu lintas. Kepala RA Perwanida Miri Sragen, Erna Fatimah sengaja mengajak para siswa ke terminal agar anak segera memiliki kesadaran naik kendaraan umum.

“Anak-anak tentu mau pergi kemana-mana dengan transportasi umum, jadi tidak harus naik motor atau mobil pribadi. Dia itu harus paham kalau moda transportasi umum itu sekarang nyaman, aman, dan murah,” kata dia ketika ditemui, Selasa (16/1/2024).

Dia mengatakan setiap tahun para siswa selalu diajak belajar di luar mengenai transportasi. Pihak sekolah juga telah menjalin kerja sama dengan terminal Tirtonadi, Stasiun Kadipiro, dan Trans Jateng. 

“Di terminal [Tirtonadi] ini ada wahana baru, jadi membantu, jadi kalau anak-anak menunggu dan jenuh ada wahana baru lebih nyaman,” kata dia.

Selain itu, anak-anak juga diajak mengenal cara menggunakan Trans Jateng mulai dari transaksi sampai ke tujuan. 

“Kalau kemarin kita ke Terminal Sumberlawang sekarang kita ke Terminal Tirtonadi. Besok kita mau belajar ke Stasiun Kadipiro dan Bandara Adi Soemarmo. Jadi memang agenda tahunan, sudah kerja sama tiga tahun ini,” kata dia.

Terpisah, Pengawas Satuan Pelayanan (Wassatpel) Terminal Tipe A Tirtonadi, Bandiyono mengatakan dalam sebulan Terminal Tirtonadi bisa menerima dua hingga empat kali kunjungan edutrip.

“Terminal Tirtonadi kan banyak kunjungan Edutrip, sebulan bisa dua sampai empat kali, nah pojok baca digital [Pocadi] ini bisa sangat membantu megedukasi, sekaligus menumbuhkan minat baca, kepada anak-anak,” terang dia.

urat suci emas


SOLO —Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Solo, recruited two lecturers from business and industrial sectors.

Not only bringing closer and increasing cooperation between the Faculty of Engineering UNS and industrial sectors, but the recruitment of practicing lecturers is also one of the 2021 UNS Creative Leap program implementations.

Promosi Lebih Praktis, Begini Cara Kirim Uang ke Luar Negeri melalui BRImo

The practitioner lecturer is Gunadi, S.T., M.M. who is also PT Hutama Karya Persero’s Director of Operations II. Previously, Gunadi had served as Director of Operations III at PT Waskita Karya Tbk (WSKT), for the 2019 to July 2022 period.

Gunadi, who lives in East Jakarta, graduated from a Master’s in Management Masters at the Jakarta Bina Nusantara Institute (graduated in 2019).

Another practicing lecturer, namely Fajar Budi Laksono, S.Sc., M.Eng from PT. Dtech Innovation Indonesia. Fajar is an alumnus of the Masters in Interdisciplinary Program of Marine Convergence Design Pukyong National University Korea (graduated in 2016).

Fajar, who lives in Salatiga, has also been registered as a lecturer with a NIDK (Special Lecturer Identification Number) at the Higher Education Data Base (PD Dikti) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology with a home base in the Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering UNS.

They were both appointed as practicing lecturers at the Faculty of Engineering UND with a Chancellor’s Decree starting February 1, 2021, to teach a minimum of 4 credits in one semester at the Mechanical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, UNS.

“This is also part of the strategy to strengthen the Faculty of Engineering’s human resources which is carried out in collaboration with business and industrial sectors. Practicing lecturers can provide professional experience in business and industrial sectors to be applied in campus learning,” said the person in charge of the program, Prof. Dr. Wahyudi Sutopo, S.T., M.Si, recently met at his office.

Wahyudi Sutopo who is also Deputy Dean of HR, Finance, and Logistics, at the Faculty of Engineering UNS, said that the recruitment of practicing lecturers had a very significant impact on the achievement of the five programs of the Faculty of Engineering, including to contribute revenue generating for UNS.

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SOLO —Center of excellence for electrical energy storage technology (CoE-EEST) or Pusat Unggulan Ipteks Teknologi Penyimpanan Energi Listrik (abbreviated with PUI TPEL) Universitas Sebelas Maret in collaboration with the Industrial Engineering and Techno-Economics Research Group or Grup Riset Rekayasa Industri and Tekno Ekonomi (abbreviated with RITE) from the Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Sebelas Maret.

A PhD should make an original contribution to knowledge. Originality can be achieved through the study design, the nature or outcomes of the knowledge synthesis, or the implications for research and/or practice. The workshop was held at Gedung Pusbangnis UNS, Jalan Slamet Riyadi No.435, Purwosari, Surakarta.

Promosi Cetak Rekor, Penumpang Kereta Cepat Whoosh Capai 21.000 Orang Sehari


The innovation of the Electric Motorcycle Swap Battery (EMSB) technology encourages the formation of a new ecosystem at the early of the supply chain, including technopreneurs and startups from manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors for commercialization.

Thus, this workshop is designed to help Ph.D Students to find a research roadmap for doctoral program studies on the focus of study “The study of Industrial Engineering and Techno-Economy in Energy Storage Technology and Electric Vehicles Application”. Link roadmap:

This activity was attended by 22 participants from 15 universities, including:
1. University Teknologi Malaysia
2. Universitas Gadjah Mada
3. Universitas Sebelas Maret
4. UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
5. UPN Veteran Jawa Timur
6. Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
7. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta
8. Institut Teknologi Telkom Surabaya
9. Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
10. Universitas Islam Sultan Agung
11. Universitas BINUS @Semarang
12. Institut Teknologi dan Sains Nahdlatul Ulama Pekalongan
13. Universitas Islam Batik, Surakarta
14. Universitas Sahid Surakarta
15. niversitas Selamat Sri, Kendal

Meanwhile, the resource persons involved consisted of 5 professors, namely:

1. Prof. Dr. Ir. Wahyudi Sutopo, S.T., M.Si., IPU (Universitas Sebelas Maret)
2. Prof. Ir. Muhammad Nizam, S.T, M.T, Ph.D. (Universitas Sebelas Maret)
3. Prof. Dr. Ing. Hendro Wicaksono, ST(Jacobs Univ, Germany),
4. Prof. Dr. Djoni Hartono, S.Si., M.E, (Universitas Indonesia)
5. Prof. (Riset) Dr. Ir. Anugerah Widiyanto, B.Sc., M.Eng (BRIN)

CoE-FEEST UNS is very adequate for the research study of ‘Energy Storage Technology and Electric Vehicles Application’ because it has facilities in the form of a mini-plant to support the battery industry ecosystem, i.e.
1. precursor active material processing,
2. cathode active material production,
3. battery cell production,
4. production of battery packs/electric vehicle battery swaps and energy storage systems (ESS), and
5. electric bicycle assembly/ conversion motorcycle.

In addition, CoE-FEEST UNS has also been supported by battery testing, monitoring system, safety and communication facilities that can serve the public, and has 3 technology-based start-ups for downstream simulation and commercialization, namely:

1. PT Batex Energi Mandiri (BATEX), Battery application (
2. PT Ekoelektrik Konversi Mandiri (Ekoelektrik), EV and EM conversion (; dan
3. PT Polimikro Berdikari Nusantara (Polimikro), Active materials production (

Through this workshop, CoE-FEEST UNS and RG RITE PSTI FT-UNS offered doctoral program research opportunities to lecturers and research collaborators at the national and international levels to take a role in the research focus “Industrial Engineering and Techno-Economic Studies on Energy Storage Technology and Electric Vehicle Applications”.

There are seven Ph.D research projects currently being carried out to provide “Contributions to new knowledge on early supply chain engineering integration into the technology commercialization process”, namely:

1. Developing a model of technological-based interoperability for EMSB;
2. Developing a product-consumer adoption model to find a thriving solution for EM;
3. Developing a model to predict the hybrid-market competition of EMSB
4. Developing a prediction of supply chain vulnerability to enhance the business competitiveness of EMSB
5. Developing a circular supply chain model for battery recycling
6. Developing a circular business model from a circular supply chain model of battery recycling
7. Developing an ontology framework for interoperability-business of circular supply chain

“The study of Industrial Engineering Sciences through an interdisciplinary approach will continue to be carried out to gain contributions to new knowledge on Early Supply Chain Engineering Integration into the Technology Commercialization Process and to improve the productivity and efficiency of the Commercialization of Innovation Technology,” said Wahyudi Sutopo as Head of Industrial Relations and Commercialization Div., CoE for Electrical Energy Storage Technology and as head of RG RITE PSTI FT-UNS.

Alasan mengapa saya memakai pakaian wanita


SOLO—–SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Simpon Solo meluncurkan program pembelajaran berbasis komputer atau  Information Communication Technology (ICT) yang dimulai pada Januari 2024.

Plt. Kepala SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Simpon Solo, Rusmanto mengatakan dalam program tersebut sekolah memfasilitasi siswa untuk memanfaatkan teknologi berbasis digital sebagai media pembelajar.

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“Termasuk pada kurikulum. Kalau sekolah lain ekstrakurikuler, kita masuk di mata pelajaran. Kalau sekolah lain punya tidak punya rapor ICT, kita punya,” kata dia ketika dihubungi Solopos.commelalui sambungan telepon, Rabu (17/1/2024).

Rusmanto melihat kebutuhan akan berbagai media interaktif semakin meningkat karena perkembangan teknologi cukup pesat pesat. Selama ini pihaknya sudah merancang kurikulum berbasis agama agar siswa memiliki pemahaman religius yang baik.

Maka program tersebut dirancang agar para siswa tidak hanya memiliki kecakapan religius namun juga kemampuan adaptasi terhadap perkembangan teknologi berbasi komputer. 

“Punya kemampuan dalam hal digitalisasi dalam hal diajarkan membuat flyer, short movie, sampai coding, untuk menyiapkan agar anak-anak melek IT,” kata dia.

Dia mengatakan membuka program ICT untuk tiga kelas masing-masing diisi 25 siswa. Salah satu yang membedakan dengan program lain adalah penggunaan komputer untuk media pembelajaran. “Jadi anak-anak belajar nyaris tanpa buku, kecuali yang hitung-hitungan,” kata dia.

Rusmanto menambahkan ada berapa fasilitas khusus yang diberikan untuk program ICT. Misalnya setiap siswa difasilitasi satu perangkat komputer, akses Internet, dan ruang kelas dilengkapi LCD, AC, sampai Smart Tv untuk pembelajaran.

Pihaknya diharapkan lewat fasilitas pendukung itu siswa mampu membuat coding sendiri dan bisa menciptakan program seperti education game atau lainnya. 

“Materi selanjutnya, anak-anak juga diperkenalkan dengan desain grafis, seperti corel draw, dan penggunaan aplikasi Microsoft Office,” kata dia.